Tara Crawford

Ms. Crawford has 20 years of experience in the Modeling & Simulation Industry, leading Quality Assurance, Process Management, and Integration and Test teams. She is currently overseeing the Quality Assurance and Process Management activities for all programs at CESI. She has expertise in software development and test processes, quality methods, and standards, specifically International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015, and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Development Maturity Level 3 (ML3) best practices. She has directed test programs on One Semi-Automated Forces (OneSAF), Combined Arms Command and Control Training Upgrade System (CACCTUS), Enhanced Dynamic Geo-social Environment (EDGE), and Maneuver Collective Training Systems (MCTS). Ms. Crawford earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Management Information Systems from the University of Central Florida.