By Light delivers cyber training platforms customized to suit our customers’ needs.

Professional services include work role development, education and industry certifications, training events, and exercise support. By Light provides on-premises, cloud-based, and hybrid cyber range platforms. These platforms not only host learning content, but also model the Internet for users to understand its structure, services, and protocols.

Within this safe virtual training environment, threat actors launch campaigns that employ malware, ransomware, and other malicious code to emulate the Internet’s dangers. At the fore of cyberspace, By Light personnel support security research and development for universities and centers of excellence; run multinational exercises across the globe; and operate the largest cyber range in the world.


The top choice in immersive cybersecurity training—a learning experience designed for all proficiency levels.


Find Your Fit Using CATI.

The Cyber Aptitude Typology Indicator (CATI) assessment was created with two objectives in mind:

  • Support new and different populations with actionable metrics that help ease their path towards a successful career in cybersecurity, and
  • Reinforce the building and composition of established cybersecurity teams.

By Light has applied aptitude theories and personality assessments to globally recognized frameworks in the NIST Framework and NICE Cybersecurity Framework to develop the CATI assessment. CATI evaluates each individual’s unique personality characteristics, intrinsic learning preferences, and skillsets to provide actionable metrics that determine their most compatible work role and career path in cyber.


Our Immersive Cyber Learning Experience Stays With You

Our Imerzi Knowledge Center is driven by an adaptive engine built to meet learners wherever they are along the proficiency spectrum of cybersecurity, from those just starting out to seasoned professionals looking to stay ahead of the curve. Imerzi aligns content and coursework with the specific skills you need to succeed in your current role and in future positions and careers you may want to pursue.

Our complete course catalog is available online and in PDF format.


The Cyber Range Where Collective Training Is Team Training

Imerzi Cyber Range.os is a fully customizable, scenario-based, and hands-on-keyboard practical application to support individual work roles and group education, training, and exercises to meet your learning objectives.

It is both on-prem or remotely hosted, uses a Linux kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) hypervisor, has Layer 2 accessibility and extensibility to any Internet Protocol-based system, and offers a high-fidelity grey space as well as a customizable learning management system (LMS). We have eliminated the need for costly VMware licenses and built our cyber ranges for customer ease to add in other ranges or systems.

Our cyber training and exercise content is provided in a Moodle instance to allow modification and import and export of other content.

Imerzi Knowledge Center

Imerzi provides work role-focused courses with videos, hands-on labs, quizzes, and practice tests that help prepare for industry certification exams.


By Light’s CyberCENTS® uses proprietary technologies that deliver users a “true to life” training experience.

Enhanced Features


A Global Traffic Tracker that provides real-time visualization of communication flows in cyberspace. It displays geo-located IP address tracks for each global source/destination pair. Users can move and rotate the map on both the X- and Y-axis, and zoom in/out, allowing the user to focus on specific traffic. Traffic can be paused and replayed for offline analysis or review. Protocol filtering is also available to isolate specific traffic flows.

Traffic Generation

Traffic generation and user emulation for building varied, complex, and random RFC-compliant network traffic. Emulated users conduct routine network activities that generate traffic from a pre-defined protocol library with a user configurable rate, frequency, and jitter profile.

Advanced Attack

Threat emulation scenario designer, attack library, and sequencer. This includes an attack library of individual attacks, insider threats, and the complete Metasploit framework. Our scenarios-authoring tool sequences an attack based on adversary TTPs and executes through either pre-programmed mode (defined timeline for each event) or on-demand mode (manually started).

Gray Space

A high-fidelity emulation of core Internet services that adds realism to the training environment, giving the look and feel of being connected to the Internet. Services include Routing, DNS, NTP, PKI, Whois, Websites, Webmail, IRC, Pastebin, Tor, Redirectors, Social Media, and File Sharing. Grey space federates and/or interconnects cyber training, experimentation, and exercise environments by providing network transport and connectivity.

Cyber Operations Training

CyberCENTS cyber operations training courses feature hands-on simulator-based instruction that is customizable and includes curriculum development if needed. Our proven training can be selected from a catalog, or we can design and develop training to meet your custom needs.

Cyber Exercises

Our exercise planners can work with you to determine a “best fit” mix of scenarios to challenge players. Our exercise services provide technical assistance on the details that contribute to the overall value and strength of the exercise—the various controls, criteria, expectations, tools, scripts, requirements, situations, and other issues. Cyber technical advisors develop scenarios mapping to exercise objectives and monitor the progress of the activity. A post-exercise analysis is a reflective look at the entire exercise highlighting what was learned, the responses, and the outcomes. An initial quick look is obtained at the conclusion of the exercise while the event is fresh on every mind. Feedback is gathered from all participants and utilized for refining future exercises.

Our commercial exercises are hands-on cyber engagements for industry cyber operators. Exercise objectives focus on industry best practices and emerging policy. Exercising your existing policy and procedures, operators are put through scenarios where they must detect, recognize, respond to, mitigate, and recover from an ongoing cyber attack in an operational environment. Output provides the client with information needed to develop a remediation plan to improve readiness.


CyberCENTS’ accomplished planners know that cyber competition requires a special set of considerations apart from standard exercises. Capture the Flag can be played with teams on the cyber playing field. Another option is a force-on-force cyber competition. In either case, the rules of engagement, various exercise logistics, and requirements of the cyber playing field need to be determined. Cyber competitions can be formulated to support advanced concepts applications, team skills refinement, or force-on-force operations and rehearsals. CyberCENTS planners employ hands-on constructive cyber environments to focus on these specific skills and learning outcomes in a robust, realistic cyber environment.

Learning Management System (LMS)

An adaptive, immersive, and gamified learning experience. The LMS facilitates educational, workforce development, and certification training goals. LMS access is through a web portal single-pane dashboard for student interaction with course content and instructors/peers through collaboration tools to aid in course delivery. Used on-site or online for instructor-driven and standalone coursework with practical lab application.

Our base course content can be fully customized to include importing additional customer SCORM courses. Our LMS is integrated with labs and exercises in the cyber range and includes knowledge-based and technical skills assessments.

Student progress is fed into our adaptive engine for instructor tracking.

CyberCENTS® Help Desk

Existing CyberCENTS® customers can submit a ticket through our Help Desk. Potential customers can request more information or a product demo.

Map showing various states connected through cloud technology, used as the thumbnail image for the Cyber TRIDENT Video.


The Cyber TRIDENT contract is utilized by Department of Defense (DoD) organizations and other non-DoD agencies that have related cyber training needs. Cyber TRIDENT provides the management, integration, maintenance, and evolution for the Persistent Cyber Training Environment (PCTE) platform and provides total system/subsystem acquisition lifecycle support for the PCTE system baseline. The PCTE provides a holistic, on-demand, standardized training platform that enables the end-to-end planning, preparation, execution, and assessment of training events for the Cyber Mission Force and the entire DoD Cyber Workforce.